Ways To Give

November 28 is National GivingTuesday and the Paxville Community Development Corporation (PCDC) will be raising funds to support our mandate to serve as a strong and self-sustaining engine for economic, social, educational and community growth. Our work is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals and families within our community.

Through the generosity of donors like you, PCDC strives to assist everyone who comes through our doors. Our afterschool program partners with local schools to keep students on track with the curriculum set in place by their schools and their teachers. Senior members benefit from educational and social activities for wellness and nutrition, financial and estate planning, caregiver training, grief and loss, etc.

We assist adult job seekers with an array of work preparation services including job search workshops and computer skills training. Our Community Food Pantry provides food to households in need, delivers nutrition and wellness education, and emergency food service referrals to over 300 individuals and families on a monthly basis.

Our GivingTuesday goal for this year’s campaign is $10,000.00.

While no donation is too small, will you make a one-time gift of $100 or more? All donations are tax deductible since we are a 501(3)(c) nonprofit agency. If you would like to contribute, make your check or money order payable to:

Thank you for all you do to help residents in our local communities thrive. Let’s rally together to make an impact!

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Mail Checks or Money Orders to

10183 Lewis Rd

Manning, SC 29102

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